Sappho in the 11th House: Compassion for Humanity
“The flame that burns Twice as bright burns half as long.”
Lao Tzu
Disclaimer: The knowledge in this article serves as guidance. Each person’s situation will be different, and this post is a subjective guideline for your self-development.
Sappho in the 11th House: Natal Chart

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1. You Connect Deeply With Friends
With Sappho in your 11th House, you experience profound emotional connections with your close friendships and communities. You don’t take these bonds lightly or casually. Your friends feel like family that you’d do anything for.
Your social circles tend to be tight-knit tribes based on love and shared ideals. You need to feel spiritually aligned with the groups you join. Your community could be your lifeline, so you invest deeply in those relationships and nurture them.
With this placement, your friendships may feel like soul mate connections. You share vulnerabilities, goals, dreams, and secrets. Your bonds feel fused together and you unconditionally support one another. Your friends inspire you and expand your world.
Overall, your social connections must feel meaningful with Sappho in the 11th House. Small talk doesn’t fulfill you like heart-to-heart connections. You crave that feeling of coming home when you find your people and purpose. Your friends are your sacred family.
2. You Care Deeply About Humanity
Sappho in the 11th House reflects your profound care for the collective – for people at large. You feel a heart pull to do your part in bettering society and making the world more beautiful.
You’re aware that we’re all interconnected. What impacts someone across the globe also impacts you. For example, you may want everyone to have clean water, food, education, healthcare, art, happiness, and justice. It hurts your heart to know others suffer. You understand that the wave is itself the ocean.
When you see injustice, you spring to action. Your empathy compels you to join movements protecting human dignity and rights. You support the underdogs and marginalized communities however you can. Their struggles may feel personal to you.
Your 11th House Sappho gives you faith in people’s goodness. You know humanity’s shadows but also its spectacular potential. You carry a torch of hope for our future and work to bring people together. You have integrity, inner values, and character if you learn to cultivate them.
3. Your Friends Inspire Your Growth
With this placement, your friends often serve as muses or mirrors who expand your perspectives and catalyze your growth. The right connections may arrive just when you need their help most.
Your friends often reflect back to you your highest potentials – gifts you can’t yet see within yourself. Through their encouragement, you discover your inner strengths. Your bonds ignite and empower each other’s journeys.
As the 11th House is the House of Community, the groups you join also further your growth. You absorb their wisdom, and you can shape them positively. Together, you cultivate new skills and passions. Your communities feel like incubators nurturing your unfolding self.
The 11th House Sappho also indicates that it’s wise to remove friends who limit or suppress you. Your true alliances should feel empowered, like soul friends who awaken your best self. They inspire you to live boldly and chase your purpose. With Sappho in the 11th House, friends are like family you choose and grow with.
4. You Express Yourself Creatively
Your 11th House Sappho suggests you have artistic gifts and talents you were born to share with the world. You likely have a deep need for self-expression. Making art can feed your spirit and connect you to humanity.
You might paint, dance, act, write, sing, or play music. Or your creativity could be expressed through cooking, photography, sculpture, poetry, and more. However you create, it channels beauty and truth.
Your art gives voice to human struggles and joys that unite us. You bare your soul to help people remember their own light. Your gifts can bridge divides by inspiring compassion and hope. With Sappho in the 11th House, your creations can heal on a collective level.
5. Your Relationships Feel Destined
With Sappho in the 11th House, your most significant relationships often start as fated friendships that blossom into something deeper over time. Your bonds grow from strong emotional foundations first.
You need to already feel aligned with someone’s spirit before passion ignites. That is, your best relationships tend to arise from heart-to-heart connections where you uplift each other’s dreams first, before romance. Soulmates feel familiar to you.
Once a friendship transitions to love, your devotion is endless. You’d sacrifice greatly for soul-bonded partners. Their needs and dreams become your own. You delight in helping them flourish into their highest selves.
You feel destined to love those who already know and cherish your essence in friendship. Your relationships exemplify love as an expansion, not a loss, of self. For you, the personal is always universal.
6. You Champion Progressive Causes
Your 11th House Sappho reflects a true progressive spirit eager to reform society and manifest utopian futures. You champion liberty, equality, and justice.
You likely support forward-thinking political goals like renewable energy, universal healthcare, arts funding, worker protections, civil rights, economic fairness, environmentalism, and more. Your mind naturally envisions how to build a better world.
You feel called to further social justice and moral causes that uplift humanity’s welfare. You have faith in progress and aren’t resigned to accepting injustice as “how things are”. You know positive change is possible through the power of unity.
With Sappho in the 11th House, you dream big and inspire people’s hope for the future. Problems that threaten human dignity and freedom spark you to take action. Apathy and immoral behaviors pain you. Making a difference gives your life meaning.
Asteroid Sappho in Astrology
Sappho was a female poet from the island of Lesbos in ancient Greece, who lived around 620-570 BC. She wrote beautiful lyrical poetry focused on subjects like love and desire between women. Because of this, the term “Lesbian” came to describe female same-sex relationships.
In astrology, having the asteroid Sappho placed in your birth chart is said to represent same-sex attraction, especially for women. It suggests an openness and connection to your femininity.
Through the poetry of Sappho and the astrological significance of this asteroid, we are reminded of the transformative power of love and the importance of embracing our own unique creative expression.
Unlike its counterpart Eros, the energy of asteroid Sappho is more subtle and nuanced, representing aesthetic refinement, sexual preference, and creative self-expression in the birth chart, according to Asteroid Goddesses.
Those who have strong placements of asteroid Sappho in their chart may find themselves drawn to creative fields such as writing, music, or art. They may also have a natural sensuality and appreciation for the beauty and aesthetics.
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