Pholus in the 2nd House: Re-Evaluation of Personal Values
“Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead, If you lose, you can guide.”
Swami Vivekananda
Disclaimer: The knowledge in this article serves as guidance. Each person’s situation will be different, and this post is a subjective guideline for your self-development.
Pholus in the 2nd House Natal Chart

Image Source: Art Station
1. You Experience Major Money Shifts
With Pholus in your 2nd House, you are called to go through dramatic changes in your money matters and resources. You likely experience times of sudden gains or unexpected losses that force you to transform your relationship with finances.
These extreme ups and downs prevent you from clinging too tightly to possessions and income. Just when you finally achieve stability, a crisis may remove your safety net so you must rebuild. You are constantly tested to develop wisdom around temporary abundance in this world.
While destabilizing, these crises free you from basing your worth on money. You learn self-worth comes from within. You gain deep faith that you will be provided for even in times of immense changes. Your values grow beyond materialism with Pholus in the 2nd House.
2. You May Attract Chaotic Situations
Your Pholus placement suggests you experience volatility and upheaval in your financial life in order to catalyze profound growth around self-worth and values. The Universe throws destabilizing curveballs to get you back on your destined path.
You may undergo job instability, investment losses, bankruptcies, overnight wealth, compulsive shopping binges, or financial disasters that induce an existential crisis. Extreme situations could push you to question what “wealth” really means to you.
Though shocking, these financial catastrophes lead to rebirths regarding your relationship with money, possessions, and material needs. In retrospect, you feel guided because you know that you cannot take any material things with you when you leave this world.
Ultimately you establish a new money mindset aligned with your authentic soul purpose. But first, you have to courageously shed repressive old paradigms about what you think you need to feel secure.
3. You Uncover Shadow Beliefs Around Resources
Pholus in the 2nd House indicates these chaotic periods bring your subconscious fears and complexes around deservingness and self-worth to light. Your suppressed demons of material security could emerge.
Financial upheavals can reveal your toxic beliefs, like linking your self-esteem to net worth or believing poverty is noble. Bad habits around spending, saving, or investing would unmask. Recession may trigger scarcity fears. Windfalls may trigger guilt.
Facing your financial “shadows” allows for release and healing. In the end, you will gain self-awareness around dysfunctional attitudes toward wealth and how to create true abundance.
4. You Have an Intense Desire for Wealth
With Pholus in the 2nd House, your desire for wealth and resources may become obsessive at times. You are prone to periods of intense fixation on achieving status, luxury, and security. Perhaps you can’t get enough money, possessions, or lavish experiences.
Yet this desire ultimately backfires, leaving you feeling empty. You learn money can’t satisfy your deeper emotional needs. Your insatiable appetite for more actually leads to actions that undermine your stability. You experience the volatility that comes from worshipping wealth above all else.
But through these extremes, you gain wisdom. You begin building an inner sense of security not dependent on externals. You discover the freedom that comes from releasing attachments to ephemeral things. Crises transform what you value and help you live in accordance with universal laws.
5. You May Push Financial Limits Too Far
Your Pholus placement indicates a tendency to push your financial luck and exaggerate your means. You may overestimate your limits and take unrealistic risks that lead to crisis. You lack moderation and go to extremes trying to rapidly increase wealth.
Get-rich-quick schemes will most likely backfire on you. Compulsive gambling, spending sprees, and risky investments can destroy stability as fast as you built it. You experience emergency situations that arise from believing you have infinite abundance and being careless with resources.
But you grow from these mistakes. You learn sustainable wealth comes from patience and pragmatic efforts over time, not quick luck. Thinking positively doesn’t equal doing positively.
Your extreme situations teach you where boundaries must exist around finances. Doing good deeds and gaining virtues become your new path instead of relying on the law of attraction or the power of positive thinking.
Asteroid Prolus in Astrology
Pholus is one of the centaurs in Greek mythology and its discovery in 1992 as an asteroid brought a new aspect to consider in astrology. Centaurs were said to be half-man and half-horse creatures known for their rowdy behavior and love of wildlife. Pholus reflects the centaur’s precarious position between human and animal natures.
In astrology, Pholus shows what kind of experience is necessary to teach self-mastery over primal instincts. It’s about learning prudence through painful lessons and taming the untamed aspects of our nature.
When Pholus is activated, it can signal eruptions that result from suppressed emotions or actions. Life events may force acknowledgment of uncomfortable truths and recognition of weaknesses.
However, these sorts of experiences ultimately strengthen your character by cultivating patience, restraint, and consideration for others. Major life changes are often tied to Pholus, like quitting addictions, leaving dysfunctional relationships or careers, or moving to new homes.
In many ways, Pholus symbolizes radical transformation, extreme situations, spiritual crises, and life-altering events in the birth chart.
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