Pholus in 11th House

Pholus in the 11th House: A Radical Dream

Whatever is in water becomes water

Esoteric Wisdom School

Disclaimer: The knowledge in this article serves as guidance. Each person’s situation will be different, and this post is a subjective guideline for your self-development.

Pholus in the 11th House

Pholus in 11th House
Pholus in 11th House

Image Source: Art Station

1. You Experience Transformations through Friendships

With Pholus in your 11th House, major life transformations and turning points in your life often come through friends, groups, and social connections. The people you surround yourself with can impact your growth. Your community can inspire revelations about your true self and kickstart profound changes.

Finding your “tribe” helps you shed limiting labels and emerge renewed. You outgrow restrictive beliefs by opening your mind to new perspectives within your network. Your identity shifts from catering to groups to expressing your authenticity.

You may also have intense spiritual experiences with friends/mentors that completely alter your worldview and purpose. As the 11th House is ruled by Aquarius, you may meet these people online, such as by reading their blog articles or watching their YouTube videos. Moments of awakening, synchronicity, or transcendence may show you there is more to reality than meets the eye.

2. You Attract Unusual, Outcast Friends

Your social circles likely include many progressive, eccentric, artsy, geeky, or new-age friends. You often attract unusual characters who live outside the mainstream. These friends act as catalysts to awaken you from limiting mindsets and push you to develop your uniqueness.

You may also be drawn to marginalized groups of people and communities focused on acceptance. You feel at home among the misfits, outcasts, and those wandering their own unusual paths. Here, you find the freedom to evolve.

These communities catalyze your growth by showing you how to embrace all parts of yourself. Their openness helps you release shame and give you permission to explore your buried gifts and desires without judgment.

3. You Experience Awakenings through Activism

Your 11th House Pholus fuels a passion for intense social activism. Fighting for radical reform can profoundly transform you at a certain point in your life. Through activism, you shed layers of social conditioning to align with your soul truths.

You likely join movements focused on upending systems of oppression, injustice, or hierarchy. In high-stakes protests and actions, you stand as the symbol of courage and conviction. Standing up for the truth can catalyze your self-realization.

Your beliefs and life path can transform through involvement in causes bigger than yourself. Social activism provides an outlet for your intensity while schooling you in spiritual lessons of morality, integrity, and unity.

4. You Can Get Lost in Groupthink

One of your life lessons with Pholus in the 11th House is learning to avoid “groupthink”. You may want to belong so desperately that you shapeshift constantly to please friends and communities. Over time, this can distance you from your inner truth.

This placement can make you prone to following others down risky paths in order to fit in or feel accepted. You may even lose your moral compass and engage in dangerous collective behaviors. Holding your own in the face of peer pressure is a lifelong challenge.

You evolve by building enough self-knowledge to assess situations clearly and stand up for what’s right and ethical even if it distances you from the group. Your task is maintaining integrity rather than compromising yourself to keep friends.

5. You May Experience Social Shake-Ups and Betrayals

With this placement, loyalty and stability in friendships and groups may feel elusive. Power struggles, betrayals, fallout, and constant membership changes may often feature in your social landscape. You may experience intense ups and downs in friendships.

While these shake-ups are deeply painful, they serve the purpose of strengthening your sense of self. They push you to stand more fully in your self-worth and see where you’ve abandoned yourself to keep friends or gain group acceptance. You evolve by learning discernment and “knowing yourself”.

Your fairweather friends teach you that only you can provide yourself with the unconditional love, consistency, and support you seek externally. Your independence of spirit is strengthened through these challenges. At your best, you don’t seek to belong, but you attract others based on who you are.

6. You Inspire Revelation

You have a gift for bringing invisible secrets to light and facilitating necessary breakdowns that lead to breakthroughs. You tend to ask provocative questions no one else dares to verbalize. Thanks to the 11th House Pholus, you can expose what’s hidden, such as conspiracy theories and social propaganda.

This talent for naming underlying tensions helps release collective blockages, allowing for resolution and renewal. While your probing nature can be unwelcome at times, you have the ability to open people’s minds to new angles and views they resist.

You carry a light of truth meant to illuminate sources of stress or dysfunction within society so they can be addressed openly. Your cosmic role is to think critically and inspire collective evolution.

Asteroid Prolus in Astrology

In Greek mythology, Pholus was a close friend of the mighty hero Heracles and a wise centaur who lived in a cave near Mount Pelion.

Pholus was renowne­d far and wide for his warm hospitality. So, when Heracle­s came to visit him, Pholus graciously offered the­m a special jar of exquisite­ wine.

Little did Pholus know that this gene­rous act would unleash the madness upon the neighboring centaurs. The tantalizing sce­nt of the wine stirred an insatiable­ desire within the othe­r centaurs, driving them into a frenzy as the­y savagely attacked Heracle­s, igniting a fierce battle.

The tragic tale of Pholus serve­s as a warning of how eve­n the most seemingly insignificant actions can have­ unforeseen and profound conse­quences.

Thus, Pholus, in astrology, has become­ a symbol of the “Butterfly Effect.” This conce­pt indicates even the smallest action or decision can have far-reaching and significant consequences.

In this birth chart, this asteroid symbolizes radical transformation, spiritual crises, exaggeration, emergencies, life-altering events, and extreme situations.

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